Who we are
We are siblings with the idea ofcreating a fresh, vegan alternative fast food - free of plastic waste or other packaging material - a healthy festival food which doesn´t polute our environment with plastic wrapping waste. We are in the startup process and freshly launched in Berlin. This summer we are keen to offer our natural sesamba snack on the most exciting festivals and sport events.
What we do
We come to festivals and sport events with a small bike trailer to share the empowering Sesamba nature snack. As a light, energy loaded breakfast before sport, the healthy option for people with consume awareness and as a dancing snack for in between – sesamba adds an inspiring taste to every event.
What´s Sesamba?
Sesame & Banana – Organic Bananas are cut with a special technique to be served in the bowl of their own natural peel. Fresh sesame crème and a variety of toppings (coco crisps, chocolate flakes, almond chunks and more) create the unique taste experience. This hearty, fruity nature snack satisfies the body´s need for energy and leaves a feeling of lightness – be ready instead of finished. There is only the organic waste of banana peel, recycled paper napkin and bamboo fork. No plastic or other packaging waste is produced.
How did this idea find us?
Travelling around our Earth we, three siblings, got to know many different street food specialties. We tried heaps of practical light weight snacks which support the body with energy to jump into the next adventure. The combination of sesame and bananas came up as serendipity in the wilderness of New Zealand. Next to a beautiful blue river a community of travellers from all over the world gathered around a tiny house trailer made from recycled materials. “Camp Sababa” is a place of infinite happiness, creativity and intercultural exchange. More and more open minded, creative, wonderful people joined and shared the uplifting vibe of freedom. Cooking together, combining curiously the most exotic components we explored and shared new exciting taste sensations – The seed of Sesamba was planted.
Natural food for humen on a wastefree planet.
Our mother earth is the natural habitat for many forms of life. She is our home and it is on us how we want to treat our environment. We, the humans of this planet, own the potential to develop sustainable concepts and to direct the course of our journey. Let´s stop to pollute our environment with unnecessary plastic packaging waste. Awareness is the first step - our chance to sustain this unique lebensraum for many more generations.
This project alone can´t redirect the living stream of our earth’s population. Sesamba is one of many initiating drops which flow into an earth-healthy direction. Do what feels right – now.
raw – vegan - wastefree